MTA Membership Benefits Abound
Educating students is an arduous job but you don't have to do it alone. Membership in MTA (which includes membership in CTA and NEA) means you will get the support you need so that you can focus on what you do best!
Membership Benefits include:
- Salary, benefits and working conditions as stipulated by the collectively bargained agreement or “contract.”
- Representation on matters pertaining to your collectively bargained agreement and other issues in the classroom.
- Access to CTA and NEA professional development trainings by members for members looking to improve professional skills, social awareness and leadership.
- Legal services and professional advice.
- Exclusive Discounted CTA and NEA Member Benefits programs.
... and so much more!!! Click here to find out about all of the benefits of membership!
We Are MTA
Working to improve working conditions for educators of the Montebello Unified School District since 1939.